i have a zebra skin that i have photographed some of! the camera died so i have to re-PHOTOGRAPH it again! Im looking for more skins to photograph and trying to think of the situations that will be happening within the photographs with skin in them.
i am currently playing with a minolta autocord, its very nice to use! i have 5 films at the moment that i found at a second hand shop, they expired in may 1976, im very interested to see how the photos turn out, they are black and white.Here is a photo i just took of it.
This is a visual responce to my photographs, it is a image i have made to show the direction were i want to go next.i want to put taxidermy animals in real environments. I think this is the direction i am going for.
back from holidays!! here is my first 2 images!! they are good! i just played around with a polaroid making program ( POLADROID ) just a wee start to the semester!
i have gone to the museum to take more photos of animals! I've been thinking lately about my photos being viewed by the viewer, and if the viewer is thinking about the animals being real or not real??????